It is our goal to provide opportunities for all ages to participate musically in singing, playing, and ringing praises to God at the worship services and special events of our congregation.
The Church Choir
This extremely talented and fun-loving group meets each Wednesday evening for rehearsals of a mix of classical, contemporary, and gospel church music. Men, women, and teenagers are lovingly welcomed no matter the level of their musicianship. The choir provides the foundation for the entire Music Ministry. They sing for every service, and frequently combine their efforts with other music groups or especially talented musicians from our church and the community
Moravian Band
In the Moravian church, the Band is a integral part of our music programming and the rich heritage of band participation. Our band plays half-hour preludes of traditional chorales before all lovefeasts and communion services, church festivals, Christmas Eve, the Easter Sunday resurrection service and for funerals when called upon. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings where instruction and instruments are often provided for beginners (no age limits).
Youth Choir
All young people, 2nd – 8th graders, are encouraged to musically represent our congregation in the worship services of the church. The Youth Choir is organized 8-10 weeks before Christmas and again 8-10 weeks before Easter. They enjoy singing fun, youthful songs prepared at their rehearsals on Wednesday evenings. Historically, they must prepare the “Morning Star” (antiphonal carol) for Christmas and the “Hosanna Chorus” (antiphonal hymn) for Advent and Palm Sunday. We have great parental supervision, but encourage parents to support and become involved in all youth activities!
Spangenberg Ringers
Through the generosity of individuals in our congregation, CMC now has a four-octave and a three-octave set of Schulmerich Handbells. Combine these with the three-octave set of hand chimes and we are fortunate enough to have most of the equipment needed to make all of the new bell techniques possible. Our ringers are level 4 to 5 difficulty. They are awesome! Ringers play for many services during the year, but shine the brightest during Christmas and Easter. Regular rehearsals are held on Sunday afternoons 8-10 weeks before Christmas and Easter.
New faces are always welcome in all music groups!